Richter scale
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You can call it coincidence, but for the past couple of months, many earthquake predictions made by self-proclaimed seismic researcher Frank Hoogerbeets have turned true, and his recent forecast on upcoming quakes is capable of sending chills in your spine. In a recent post on his website 'Ditrianum', Hoogerbeets has claimed that a powerful earthquake which may measure 7 in the Richter scale could hit the earth either today or tomorrow.

"Critical planetary and lunar geometry in the last two days is likely going to trigger large seismic activity from the 10th to the 12th, possibly over 7 magnitudes," wrote Hoogerbeets on his website.

Interestingly, the predictions of Hoogerbeets come at a time when a preliminary magnitude-4.0 earthquake was reported on May 11, in Cleveland. Even though no noted destruction happened in the affected area, the USGS is apparently collecting responses from people who experienced mild tremor in Cleveland. As of now, more than 8,000 people have reported feeling the earthquake, and most of them revealed that the intensity of the quake was weak to light.

Hoogerbeets believe that critical planetary alignments and lunar geometry are causing a rise in seismic activities. As per Hoogerbeets, certain planetary alignments have the capability to destabilize the tectonic plates on the earth, and it is resulting in these earthquakes. Hoogerbeets claim that he is using an advanced system named SSGI (Solar System Geometry Index) to predict potential quakes, and he believes that it is one of the most sophisticated tools that can forecast upcoming tremors with precision.

In his website post, Hoogerbeets also clarified that it is an electromagnetic force during planetary alignments which is causing the earthquakes. He also added that gravitational pull of the planets is not capable to trigger seismic activities here on earth.

"From the beginning, we have stated that the most likely cause is the electromagnetic force, which is a stronger force than gravity. In fact, the gravitational force is the weakest in the Universe and is always dominated by the electromagnetic force," added Hoogerbeets.

Even though Hoogerbeets continue to make wild predictions about possible earthquakes, seismic experts have always dismissed his claims stating that no current technology is capable of predicting future earthquakes.