Zaf Baker
Zaf Baker

Zaf Baker is a 27-year-old global entrepreneur who began his business career in the automotive industry and has now expanded and switched to the real estate business, which is doing exceptionally well. From the very beginning, he was inclined towards going the entrepreneurial way. At the age of 16, he sold his first car, and spent the next two years buying and selling vehicles and setting up a profitable company that was turning in big profits, he claims.

The real-estate consultant places great emphasis on education, although it is a subtly different education that he got that helped him get to where he is now.

"Education is very important, there's no doubt about that. I always believed that following the rules would help you make a living but self-education and experience would help you make you a fortune, I wanted to make money so badly that no teacher in the world could tell me how to do it because if they knew anything about it, they'd be doing it," he says.

The entrepreneur socially active and has acquaintances with some popular people, a proof of which is his Instagram profile. He claims to be spending much of his time looking for expanding his business ventures in the real estate industry in Dubai and the UK while looking for new investment opportunities.

The entrepreneur also has his brother working with him in many real-estate ventures that, according to him, gained a great deal of popularity on social media and the world around them. He claims to be concentrating on reaching out to young people and has become extremely popular on social media platforms, particularly Instagram, where he has more than 50k followers. In addition to making money from the real estate business that he owns, Baker also invests in startups.