Miami singer
Charlotte Wonjah performing at a clubFacebook

A pregnant Miami singer has been arrested for repeatedly hitting her eight-year-old son with a hangar and a rope, and for killing the family's bulldog puppy in front of her children because she didn't want to clean up after him.

Charlotte Wonjah, 26, allegedly kept slamming the one-month-old puppy on the floor in front of her terrorised children after brutally hitting her son. She remained in jail on Friday after appearing in the court on New Year's Day. She has been slapped with child abuse and cruelty to animals charges.

During interrogation, the young mother confessed that she had "anger issues" and went into a rage because she "did not want to clean after the dog" after it defecated on the floor.

According to CBS Miami, Wonjah's long-time boyfriend Juan Suarez said: "That's like a human being. You don't do that to a little animal. It's just a puppy. What kind of person are you?"

Wonjah works at a club in Miami. She has been abusing her son for a long time as the child's body has bruises and welts in different stages of healing.

She was arrested on Tuesday after Suarez called the police to their home after Wonjah allegedly attacked him, who had just returned home with gifts for the kids. Wonjah "went ballistic" and began hitting, punching and biting him for no reason, Daily Mail reports.

When Suarez's 14-year-old daughter from a previous relationship tried to intervene, she attacked her as well.

"My girlfriend just went ballistic and started hitting me, biting me and punching me and then my 14-year-old daughter tried to intervene, you know to pacify the situation. She punched my daughter and threw her against the wall. That's when I called the police. At that time that's when I found out about her 8-year-old son who she had been abusing too," said Suarez, according to CBS.

Referring to the marks of abuse on the eight-year-old boy's body, he said: "...she put him in the bathroom and hit him with a hangar and beat him with a hangar. Previous to that, he said she beat him with a rope. She has some serious issues to get rid of. She needs some help and some counseling and to stay away from kids until she get better or she is going to hurt them."

Wonjah is a native of Liberia and had been arrested twice previously on battery charges, once in April 2013 and another in August 2013.

Suarez was attacked by her in August 2013, but he stuck with her for the sake of the kids, but now he has decided to raise them on his own.

Wonjah is being held on $50,000 bail.