Meghan Markle
Meghan MarkleGetty Images

The Markle family has been a constant sore spot for the Duchess of Sussex ever since she joined the Royal Family.

The Markle family has been relentless in using the media to attack Meghan and the Royal Family, though the primary target of their ire seems to be Meghan, the entire Royal Family is being humiliated in the public drama. Already Meghan's sister, Samantha, has reportedly made numerous attempts to tarnish her reputation, branding her "Princess Pushy" and publicly calling her a social climber. She even travelled all the way to the UK from the US to take part in television interviews.

But it was Meghan's relationship with her father Thomas Markle that may have truly embarrassed the Royal Family. 

Meghan Markle
Meghan MarkleGetty Images

Reportedly just days before her wedding, it was revealed Thomas had been hit with a heart problem and was too ill to make the trip. But he went on to admit that he was paid to stage paparazzi photos to sell to news outlets in an effort to improve his image. Meghan and Thomas have reportedly not spoken to each other since then.

According to 2019 documentary "Meghan and Harry: the First 100 days", the Royal Family was caught unawares by this situation. But Royal observers and biographers are trying their best to defend Meghan Markle by pointing out that the Royal Palace could have done more to protect the Duchess from such bad press and in turn, help themselves, which we have to say, is quite an obvious observation. Meghan Markle is on maternity leave and is expected to give birth this month. You can check out the video here: