Brandon Stark
Isaac Hempstead Wright as Brandon StarkFacebook

Employees in offices may be divided by their responsibilities and duties, but what often unites them is a mutual feeling of hatred towards bosses. Though the attitude of bosses may differ from place to place, one cannot deny the fact that the workplace is almost a second home to the salaried class, and it can cause immeasurable distress if the boss is not supportive enough.

In an interesting study, Michelle McQuaid — whom Forbes calls "a world leader in positive psychology interventions in the workplace" — found that a whopping 65 percent Americans would prefer a new boss over a raise.

What if those bosses were from the Game of Thrones universe? Who would be the absolute worst boss you could end up working for?

Stoic boss: Brandon Stark

Brandon Stark as a boss would probably be someone who would delegate all his duties to us, delivering a straight-faced "thank you" in return.

In the epic fantasy series, where he possesses three different powers and is capable of overturning the fate of every character, but fails to follow simple instructions that lead to the tragic deaths of Summer, Hodor and the original Three-Eyed Raven.

With his infamous tepid "thank you" to Meera and a terribly uncomfortable comment about his sister's wedding night, Bran has just been all kinds of weird this season, and could be the kind of boss that weirds us out.

Conleth Hill as Lord Varys
Conleth Hill as Lord VarysHBO

The spy: Lord Varys

Lord Varys would definitely be the spy kind of boss, who keeps a check on who is busy on Facebook and who is chatting with colleagues.

In the series, Lord Varys — the master spy of the seven kingdoms — commands a vast network of informants. His strategic moves ensure that he watches the drama unfold from a safe distance.

So, forget even thinking about feigning sickness to go on a vacation or just take the day off! The spider's venomous fangs will have you ensnared before you know it.

Pilou Asbæk as Euron Greyjoy
Pilou Asbæk as Euron GreyjoyYoutube

The bully: Euron Greyjoy

Uncle to Yara and Theon Greyjoy, Euron Greyjoy would definitely be a bully of a boss, with his employees' jobs hanging on his whims.

He is seen in the series taking control of the Salt Throne with the support of those who oppose Balon Greyjoy's reign.

After killing his own brother, mocking his nephew's castration and niece for entering the Kingsmoot, he gloats about his physical endowment and plans to marry Daenerys Targaryen.

Employees should be ready to be bullied if they tend to oppose him.

Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen
Emilia Clarke as Daenerys TargaryenHBO

Demanding boss: Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen is kind only when it suits her. She freed slaves and treats her subjects with kindness and respect, but always expects something in return.

Dany may have good intentions, but if she would have been a boss, she would have fired people literally on her fancy.

As we know, it is a bloodbath and a fiery end to all those who disagree with her.

Cersei Lannister and her son King Tommen
Cersei Lannister and her son King TommenFacebook/Game of Thrones

Bossiest of bosses: Cersei Lannister

Cersei Lannister as a boss would be like the ultimate headstrong boss who is fine with the employees till they raise their finger at her or counter her.

In the show, Cersei's thirst for revenge and power is unparallelled. She ascends the Iron Throne to wreak havoc on her enemies.

That being said, if our real-life bosses were anything like these characters in the twisted saga, we would have been making a beeline for the nearest exit.