A former Google employee has claimed that the search engine giant had worked to develop a robotic arm powered by artificial intelligence (AI). Mo Gawdat, who worked with Google as a chief business officer revealed that he was literally scared as he saw the robotic arm being developed during his span with the tech giant. 

Machine learned very quickly

Mo Gawdat claimed that he was frightened to see how quickly the machinery could learn when compared to humans. He apparently saw an arm picking up a ball, and within days, it learned to pick up anything. 

Artificial Intelligence
AI is just as biased, if not more based than its creatorsCarl Court/Getty Images

"And I suddenly realized, this is really scary. Like we had those things for a week. And they're doing what children will take two years to do. And then it hit me that they are children. But very, very fast children. The reality is, we're creating God," Mo Gawdat told The Times

AI: A threat to humanity? 

Mo Gawdat revealed that AI has the potential to reach a technological singularity, a point in which it becomes irreversible and uncontrollable. It ultimately means that AI could overpower humanity, and could result in an apocalypse. 

A few years back, SpaceX founder Elon Musk had predicted that the rise of artificial intelligence could make humans an endangered species. The South African billionaire made these comments while talking in Axios on HBO. 

According to Musk, artificial intelligence is a very sophisticated technology that needs regulation. He also cited the examples of various species that were driven to isolated corners of the earth when humans gained dominance on the planet. 

"When a species of primate, homo sapiens, became much smarter than other primates, it pushed all the other ones into a very small habitat... So there are very few mountain gorillas and orangutans and chimpanzees," said Elon Musk.