Baba Vanga is a very popular name on social media platforms, as this Bulgarian mystic made several predictions about the future before her death in 1996. 

Followers of Baba Vanga believe that she predicted several major world events which include the rise of ISIS and the World Trade Center attacks. According to these followers, Vanga was blind because God gave her a divine vision to foresee the future. 

Baba Vanga
Baba VangaGoogle Images

And now, alleged predictions made by Baba Vanga about India have gone viral on online platforms. 

Locust attack in India

According to some posts that surfaced on the internet, Baba Vanga had predicted that India will face deadly locust attacks in 2022, and it could push the country to a state of famine. 

Vanga believed that there will be a fall in temperature this year, and it will result in the rise of locusts. These locusts will attack crops in India, thus resulting in famine and food shortage. 

Predictions of Baba Vanga which turned true

The followers of Baba Vanga believe that the mystic had predicted floods in some Asian countries which apparently turned true. 

A report on the UNICEF website suggests that the floods in Pakistan, triggered by torrential monsoon have washed away villages and left around 3.4 million children in need of assistance. 

Baba Vanga, however, had also predicted the possibility of an alien invasion, which has not happened until now.