wannacry hack
About 98 percent of the WannaCry-affected computers were running some version of Windows 7, according to Kaspersky Lab.Creative Commons

Scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) — the US space agency — have apparently created a "rogue" Twitter account to tweet science facts in an effort to stick it to US President Donald Trump- a climate change denier under whose regime the White House has removed pages on the topic from its official website.

Also read: NASA is close to figuring out how to put space crews in cryostasis on long space journeys

Trump has often been criticised for his stance on climate change, especially after he called climate change phenomenon a Chinese propaganda to hurt American business prospects. Meanwhile, the US National Park Service (NPS) has been banned from tweeting after it posted some content that the Trump administration took offence to. The NPS has since created an alternate Twitter account, to relay climate information.

'Rogue NASA'

The alternate NASA account seems to serve the same purpose. In its third tweet, the Twitter handle @RogueNASA, says: "We cannot allow Mr. Trump to silence the scientific community. We need peer-reviewed, evidence-based research MORE THAN EVER now. [sic]"

It goes on to add: "How sad is it that government employees have to create rogue Twitter accounts just to communicate FACTS to the American public?" It also says: "If posting facts and news to Twitter from a rogue account is what we have to do for the next four years, count us in. #resist [sic]"

Advocating science and climate change

The Rogue NASA Twitter account has gone on to post a number of other tweets, promoting science and slamming those who deny climate change. One tweet says: "Science deniers are dangerous. The impact of climate change is real. There are consequences for infrastructure and human life." Another goes on to say: "Advocating for climate science and environmental protection is the most pro-life you can be. The future of the planet depends on it."

The last of the 26 tweets from the account so far — which have already gathered it more than a quarter of a million followers on the micro-blogging site — says: "Science is not a partisan issue. Science is the foundation of our society — we owe so much to peer-reviewed scientific research."