coconut water
coconut waterPixabay

Tropical fruits are known to be delicious and coconuts top the list when it comes to their health benefits.

The versatility of coconut as a food item is known to all but many hardly know about the nutrient-rich coconut water that has the power to cure many health issues.

It serves as a natural source of electrolytes and doctors encourage to have the natural drink as it's great for heart, skin, blood sugar and also blood pressure.

So, we bring to you some of the lesser known health benefits of coconut water :

Regulates blood pressure

If you have a high blood pressure, this magical drink can balance out the negative effects of sodium, as there is potassium in the coconut water. According to a study by West Indian Medical Journal, coconut water helps in controlling high blood pressure.

Cures hangovers

After partying all night, you are likely to have a hangover. If you want to get rid of it, consume coconut water on an empty stomach as it will hydrate the body and sets the electrolyte balance making you feel much better.

alcohol hangover
Hangover [Representational Image]Pexels

Lowers risk of heart diseases

Coconut water is good for the heart as it is cholesterol and fat-free. The delicious drink helps in reducing the risk of all heart-related diseases.

Improves immunity

Coconut water contains anti-viral, antibacterial, and antifungal compounds that protect you from catching flu or taking ill. Moreover, the water is naturally sterile as it is safe from contaminants.

Aids weight loss

Coconut water has low calories and bioactive enzymes that help in easy digestion. The delicious drink is considered to help lose weight.

Prevents constipation

Instead off popping a pill, you can take coconut water when you are suffering from constipation. It has a natural but mild laxative that helps in a smooth bowel movement.

 Anti-aging drink

You will be surprised to know that coconut water also acts as an anti-aging drink. It contains 'cytokinins' that protect skin from damage.