Containment title card
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In the upcoming episode, titled "Like a Sheep Among Wolves," of the CW's mini-series "Containment," it seems that Lex and Dr Lommers will get into an argument over the plans of food drop in the cordon.

CLICK HERE to watch what happens when Lex and Lommers have a disagreement and how they will find a solution to it.

According to the synopsis of the episode by Spoiler TV, "Tensions between Lex and Dr. Lommers reach a boiling point after they disagree over how to execute a much-needed food drop inside the cordon. With limited resources on his side, Jake's attempt to control a desperate and hungry crowd leaves him rattled after a group of thugs show up and a stand-off ensues.Meanwhile, when the time-line of events leading up to the outbreak doesn't add up, Katie sets out in search of the truth."

In the previous episode, titled "With Silence and Tears," Lex was missing Jana as he had lost all ways of contacting her. Hence, Jana tried to construct a cell-phone from scratch so that she could contact her. Meanwhile, Jake and Katie's romance grew stronger and Teresa's boyfriend, Xander, decided to enter the cordon.

Elsewhere, robbers captured Teresa's mother's store where the food was stocked for the needed. Hence, people who have not been able to make it out the fence will be seen starving due to short food supply in the upcoming episode.

Whether Lex, Lommers and others will be able to find an ultimate cure to the plague or not, will be seen once the episode airs.