We all love our consoles, irrespective of whichever generation they belong to. Be it a brand new, shiny Xbox One or PS4, or a last generation Xbox 360 or PS3, there isn't a day when we don't spend time with them, glued in front of the TV, being a couch potato.

But if you love your console, it's almost imperative that you also have to take care of it so as to increase its productivity and longevity.

Taking care of your console involves the main console and even the controllers, with the latter requiring special care. However, all of them are 100% user-repairable.

And if you are wondering how that could be possible, here are a few tips (plus instructional videos) on how to get things done.

For Xbox 360

For Xbox One

For PlayStation 3

For PlayStation 4

Stay tuned for more updates!

[Source: LifeHacker]