"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is going all out to promote the new film from the Star Wars universe.

After teaming up with Facebook to enable lightsaber for one's profile picture, Star Wars has now developed a game, "Lightsaber Escape", with Google, which can be played if you have Google Chrome and a phone with web access.

 Disney, Google, LucasFilm and Industrial Light & Magic have all come together to create what they say are calling an "experience."

By visiting the URL g.co/lightsaber the next set of instructions will be given to you i.e. to connect your phone's Chrome with the computer's.

In the game, the player is in a Star Destroyer and the phone is used as a lightsaber and the goal is to kill the stormtroopers that show up on your screen. After diverting enough shots from the stormtroopers the player can head to the rest of the ship, where a larger battle in raging. 

The game links your phone like a motion sensor to the computer screen.

Google teamed up with WebGL to create the 3D graphics, with WebRTC and WebSockets for the real-time communication between your phone and computer, reports TechCrunch.

To know more about how the game was developed you can see the developer case study, here.

The US premiere was held on 15 December in Los Angeles. The IMDB rating of the movie has gone down from 9.5 to 9.1 since.