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Its time you show your Saturday night skills in the labour room as science says that dancing could help you with your delivery!

Yes, you read it right. A Brazilian doctor has devised a dance routine, which is supported by science, which could help you with shorter lesser pain and delivery duration.

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Nicknamed as "the dancing doctor," Dr Fernando Guedes da Cunha's got pregnant women up on their feet and shaking that pregnant belly in order to help them relieve of the process faster, Daily Mail reports.

Playing hit numbers like Despacito, the doctor has been sharing videos featuring the new technique on his Instagram account. The videos are honestly hilarious. Though the technique seems funny, research says that movement during labour helps ease the birthing process.

Speaking of the fun method on their Facebook page, Unimed informed that dancing helps relax women and facilitates the birth of the baby.

"Dancing, walking, activities with physiotherapy ball and squats, are part of the patient's verticalization, which greatly favours labour. Increasingly we are trying to implement humanized measures to improve care for pregnant women, "says the obstetrician gynaecologist.

Sharing one of his videos on Instagram, he informed followers:

"You come to work and your patient goes into labour! She asks for the music, we invent the choreography at the time so that the exercise helps the childbirth, and the result: beautiful normal childbirth on a humanized birthright! Congratulations@camilarochab. The detail she realized she was going to be born and was born!!!"

According to Baby Center, a labour could last up to eight hours on an average. But studies have shown that dancing does help in reducing the time and painful.

Today's Parent reports that movement is an integral part of labour. "The movement of the hips while walking helps to guide the baby into the pelvic opening, and the swaying of the hips encourages the baby into the optimal position for birth," Doula Julia MacNeil, of Mississauga, Ont., is Eastern Canada director for Doulas of North America (DONA) International told the site.