russian boy
Boriska Kipriyanovich, 20-year-old from Russia, claims he lived on Mars before being reborn on EarthYoutube/screenshot

A Russian man has stunned scientists with his "out-of-this-world knowledge" of Mars and solar system despite never being taught by anyone. Boriska Kipriyanovich, now 20, claims that he was a Martian before he was reborn on Earth.

Boriska, who is from Russia's Volgograd city, said that he lived on the "war-ravaged" Red Planet. Born in January 1996, Boriska has fascinated his parents, teachers and scientists with his immense knowledge of the planetary system.

His mother, who is a doctor, said that she knew he was special since he was born. She noticed that Boriska could hold his head without any help just two weeks after his birth. He uttered his first word a few months later and by the age of two, he was able to read, draw and paint.

He stunned his kindergarten teachers when he started writing and used his language talents with his extraordinary memory. Boriska even discussed topics like planetary systems and alien civilisations, which was never taught to him.

Boriska claims that Mars has alien civilisation even after suffering from a nuclear disaster. He said that Martians, who are as tall as seven-feet, live underground on Mars and breathe carbon dioxide. According to him, Martians are immortal and stop ageing at an age of 35 years.

When asked about the solar system in a video clip, he replied, "[I saw them] from a spaceship. You can't see them from Mars. When I was flying in space and when I was living on Mars...then I saw them."

He insists that he was a Martian pilot and travelled to Earth. Boriska even said that Martians have a strong connection with ancient Egyptians and the Great Sphinx of Giza has big secrets about human life.

"The human life will change when the Sphinx is opened, it has an opening mechanism somewhere behind the ear; I do not remember exactly," Boriska said.