New Year parties are lots of fun as they give not only the last chance to have the best time in the current year, but also to meet new people who may become good friends.

The best way to communicate and make new contacts is by playing games and interacting with fellow invitees.

There are a number of interesting and enjoyable games, including drinking games, to begin your party with. However, one should not overindulge in alcohol, as it would ruin the next morning.

As New Year Eve 2016 is just around the corner, here are a few drinking games that will surely make the celebration a memorable one for both you and your friends.

Boozy Jenga

Write challenges on Jenga pieces, but not on all of them, to keep the thrill intact. Some examples of the challenges are "take a shot, drink the drink on your right/left" or "sing a song or do a shot". If someone knocks the tower over, the person will have to take a shot.

Never Have I Ever

In this classic game, you get to know others in the party a little better. The person in turn has to say something unexpected like, "I have never kissed a stranger", and those who have done it will have to drink.

Go Fish

A classic game that requires agility and skills with cards. It becomes especially fun once you are a bit drunk. The rules of the game are easy. To know how it is played, CLICK HERE.

Circle of Death

Even though the name of this game sounds quite lethal, it is not. If you want to begin the party with a light interaction with everyone, this card game is one of the best one. Here are rules on how to play this game.


Each player present in the party must pick a dance move and the others have to remember it. The dance positions can be either sitting or standing. Check out the full rules of the game HERE.