Moonlight drawn by clouds
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Monday's episode of Moonlight Drawn By Clouds was a tense one for fans of Ra On, as it nearly saw the queen finding out Ra On's secret about being a woman disguised as a eunuch. But thanks to crown prince Lee Yeong's timely arrival, Ra On escaped discovery. Episode 11 once again proved that Park Bo Gum's Lee Yeong can twist the circumstances to favour him, no matter how difficult the situation is.

Elsewhere in the episode, viewers saw Ra On finally reuniting with her mother, who was earlier presumed dead. Teacher Dasan had questioned Lee Yeong if it was a good idea to reunite the mother and daughter, saying it could prove dangerous to his relationship with Ra On. But Lee Yeong's primary concern was Ra On's happiness. "If you covered it up and pretended not to know, you and Ra-on might be able to live happily," he tells Dasan. But keeping Dasan's words in mind, Lee Yeong makes Ra On promise that she wouldn't let him go.

"If, in a difficult moment, you must let something go… that must not be me. Can you promise me that?" he asks her towards the end of the episode, and she gives him a satisfactory answer.

The next episode will see Lee Yeong's marriage preparations in full swing, but the crown prince is in no way to let others decide his fate, and this is going to bring up more trouble for Lee Yeong as well as Ra On.

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds airs Mondays and Tuesdays on KBS2. The historical romance drama has entered its final stretch and it will come to an end on October 18.