Invisibility cloak
A man demonstrating the abilities of his invisibility cloak.You Tube/Screenshot

A video featuring a man demonstrating the abilities of his invisibility cloak has been recently doing the rounds on various social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.

The video was initially shared online by a YouTube user, who claimed that the material was Made In China. But he did not provide any details about the manufacturer or the product.

The video went viral online only after a government official named Chen Shiqu, who is the Deputy Director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau in China, shared it on his Weibo page.

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The clip was accompanied with the following words:

This is a quantum technology-made cloth that is made of transparent material, it can reflect the light wave around the person who wears it so it can make the person disappear. Soldiers wearing this cloak can avoid night vision spy but what happened if the criminal used the cloak?

Soon, the convincing video captured the attention of several Internet users across the globe. It garnered over 22 million views mainly because it was shared by an authoritative source.

Many of the netizens believed that it was an authentic invisibility cloak and they shared it on their social media pages. In some parts of the world, the video was shared online with the following words:

A fabric that makes you invisible invented by a China born scientist is ranked as one of the greatest invention. He has been appointed to take office next year as HK University President.

However, the video is not created by the Deputy Director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau and it has not been uploaded on the department's official website, reported Snopes.

"Our search for a quantum cloak and quantum steal material yielded no results on the CIB website. In short, the Criminal Investigation Bureau in China did not officially endorse this footage," stated Snopes.

A producer for the Star Orange Quantum Video production company, Zhu Zhen Song, also claimed that the Invisibility cloak created by Chinese man is fake. According to him, the viral video was created using video editing softwares.

"Softwares such as Adobe's After Effects, Nuke or Blackmagic Fusion can edit the background and blend the object into it. The effect has previously seen in a lot of action movies," Mail Online quoted the producer.

Watch the viral video featuring the demonstration of an invisibility cloak created by Chinese man below: