Inbox app for emails, by Google
Inbox app for emails, by GoogleGoogle

The Gmail team of Google has launched a new email service, which is available on invitation only basis. Yes, Gmail has already an app available for different platforms. But Inbox is a complete new system to reinvent the email experience.

In this app, Google will re-arrange the mails and tag them in groups in Bundle based on the contents and user-provided filters. Google feels it will give a complete new experience to the user.

The app, Inbox, has several features hidden under tabs and is promoted with the tagline, "the inbox that works for you."

Almost similar to the categories feature of Gmail, introduced last year, Bundle will offer something more than that. For example, all transactions and bank statements will group together so that you can quickly review and then swipe them out of the way.

You can even introduce some filters to adapt to the way you work by choosing the emails that you would like to see grouped together.

This app also highlights the key information from emails such as travelling itineraries, event information or photos and documents emailed to you by families and friends.

According to Google, this app will also retrieve and display useful information from the web - for example, the real-time status of your flights and package deliveries.

Highlights and Bundles work together to give you just the information you need at a glance. It will also assist you to maintain a to-do list and Inbox will supply you the required information to get it done.

For example, if you write a Reminder to call the hardware store, Inbox will supply the store's phone number and tell you if it is open.

Assists work for your email, too. If you make a restaurant reservation online, Inbox adds a map to your confirmation email. Book a flight online, and Inbox gives a link to check in.

The snooze feature allows you to shift your focus completely into other things and get back to your emails, according to your convenient time.

Available for Android, iOS and Windows platforms, this app is currently available on invitation basis. If any of your friends already got this, you can ask them to send across an invitation. Otherwise, you can send a mail to Google at and wait patiently.